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EMAC 2023 Annual

Should brands be like humans? An exploratory study of anthropomorphic digital robots from Brazilian brands

Published: May 24, 2023


Fernanda Mariano Mateus da Silva, Universidade de São Paulo; Guilherme Shiraishi, Universidade de São Paulo; Marcelo de Rezende, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais


Marketing nowadays finds brand humanization an instrument capable of bringing relevance with the objectives of maximizing value creation. This work aimed to discover how brand humanization occurs in communication in social networks by Brazilian brands analyzing the case of the company Magazine Luiza. The research adopted the case study method. By presenting how brand humanization occurs and analyzing the context of social media, the main results are the greater willingness of opportunities to promote organic communications. The study also finds interactions with partner brands; product positioning actions in narratives created by brand humanization; the ease of printing discourses of identification with causes; the transmission of values and emotions. Finally, the work discusses how the growth strategy of brand humanization in the social networking environment has proved to indicate an ongoing change in brand relations with consumers.